Building a new chook pen – Helping hands and donations needed
This is really, really hard…….
Since 17 years SOULS AND STARS SANCTUARY is the forever home to abused, unwanted and abandoned animals, and all these years all the funds necessary to feed and care for everyone has come from one source only: our private income.But now we have reached our limit, and we have to do what seems way harder than providing these homes: We have to start to ask for donations
There is a very concrete idea we are trying to create : we want to build a A NEW CHOOK RUN
And these are the reasons why this project is so important to us:
- First
our old chook run was built out of whatever we had available at the time, as our funds were always stretched, and now is slowly falling apart
- Second
we would like to integrate a water tank into the new pen, so we can add a sprinkler system for our girls and boys for these difficult
over 40°C days
- Third
once we have demolished the old chook pen, we can build a new nice set-up for our next project: we are becoming a foster place for “til the cows come home”, which we are very excited about!
So here we go…
We would love you to become involved, either by helping us donating towards our goal to raise the needed $3800 for the building material, guttering for the shed and the watertank, or by dedicating a bit of your time helping us setting it all up. For this I will announce our first busy bee
in a few weeks time, as soon as we are able to go ahead with purchasing the material.
Ufffff…… trust me, that was a very hard to do post
Needless to say how much we are grateful for every bit of help, with your contribution we can make sure that SOULS AND STARS has a future!
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