How Harvey became LUKA 💖🐎💖

Since 17 years SOULS AND STARS SANCTUARY is the forever home to abused, unwanted and abandoned animals, and all these years all the funds necessary to feed and care for everyone has come from one source only: our private income.But now we have reached our limit, and we have to do what seems way harder than providing these homes: We have to start to ask for donations
There is a very concrete idea we are trying to create : we want to build a A NEW CHOOK RUN
And these are the reasons why this project is so important to us:
We would love you to become involved, either by helping us donating towards our goal to raise the needed $3800 for the building material, guttering for the shed and the watertank, or by dedicating a bit of your time helping us setting it all up. For this I will announce our first busy bee
in a few weeks time, as soon as we are able to go ahead with purchasing the material.
Ufffff…… trust me, that was a very hard to do post
Needless to say how much we are grateful for every bit of help, with your contribution we can make sure that SOULS AND STARS has a future!
We would love to communicate with you and in order to do so, a newsletter is the easiest way for us to reach you. If you would like to hear what we are up to or are interested in volunteering every now and then, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Thank you!
So now that I have told the story of how we took a herd of wild ponies into our family, it might be also time to tell you really WHY.
It was the day after I saw the herd for the very first time. On my way home from where they were agisted their images didn’t leave my heart, and I decided: I have to go back there tomorrow and tell the farmer that I will rescue one of them!
I had one particular pony in mind, a beautiful painted mare with a two coloured mane who seemed to be leading the herd.
So back I drove the next day, after getting the not-too-enthusiastic ok over the phone from my husband, ready to pick the girl and feel a bit “good” about myself. Off I walked towards the paddock, and there she stood as if she was waiting for me: “my” beautiful girl.
But then something happened that I wasn’t prepared for………. out of the herd walked a very old looking black mare, her fur hanging in pieces and her legs so misformed that walking seemed to be a real challenge for her.
She had a little brown boy at her side, and as I was standing there at the fence, she came straight over to me, looked at me and started ……..to talk.
Not loud though, but I could hear her words so clear in my head that I knew they were not mine.
She said : ” Hello…….. It is very important that you take all of us. And this is not for us. It is for you.”
A little while ago I had started learning about animal communication, but there was a lot of doubt still in my head.
But at this moment, whilst I was standing there listening to the girl I later would name Hannah, there was no room for doubt.
So I drove home again on this Thursday afternoon and still couldn’t really understand what just happened, but I knew I had to act in exactly this way: I had to rescue them all!
And here I am, 17 years later, and finally understanding Hannah’s words. So many people had asked me over the years why we had so many ponies, and most people guessed that we were breeding and selling them as riding horses. They often were surprised to hear that I would never part with one of them and that their purpose was to be loved.
But now I know it is more than that: I am supposed to tell their story, so that other people listen and understand that YOU CAN DO ANYTHING IF YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF
It doesn’t matter what your dream is, if you trust your calling you will be lead to make it happen!
This is what I want to share with people how come and visit us, people who will participate in our workshops and retreats and people like you who have read their and my story to the end!
When I started to tell the story about our wild ponies and how they came to us, I went back 17 years, and it doesn’t seem like a long time at all.
So…… we had just found out that, despite our best efforts, we had missed a stallion in the herd, had seen the second lot of healthy foals being born, and had organized our vet twice already to do the necessary castration job.
For this we had to go out and feed the ponies in a smaller area fenced off by cattle panels in order to try to lock in as many over night as we could.
The next morning the vet would be turning up with at least four helpers, trying to get pony after pony through the crusher, mares, geldings and weanlings out through the front, stallions anesthetized and operated.
What exactly happened over the next years is hard to recall.
We know that there was at least one occasion where we couldn’t manage to catch them all and had to wait for another season (no way ponies can be lured in with hay when there is fresh green in the paddocks!).
And yes, there also was one of LAST sons, who did jump over the catch pen!
So after a few years and many, many visits from our vet and his team we counted ….. 108 wild ponies !
And then, on the 22.July 2013 ( I remember because the radio in the vet’s car was talking about the new british prince being born) we finally did it: the last boy in the herd became a gelding!
We couldn’t be sure until at least 11 months later (that’s the gestation period for horses), but it turned out to be right.
Since 17 years our ponies now live with us, and over time we had to say goodbye to nearly all our original 25 and some souls we lost to .
So when you come visiting us now you will see 84 beautiful grazing our property.
And not to forget one , our ELSA. But more about her another time!
So that is the story of our wild ponies!
Whenever people hear about them, their first question is: “And what are you doing with them?”
For a long time my answer was “loving them”. But then it came to me that their purpose is a different one.
I will tell you about it soon