It was in 2003 that we came across a herd of 25 wild ponies, agisted on a farmer’s property as part of a “liquidation mass” from a rural business in bankruptcy. The truck was ordered for Monday, destination slaughter house, as these young, mainly pregnant horses and their stallions were unhandled and therefor only worth their meat.
I remember so well, it was Wednesday when I made the decision that this was not going to happen! Not that I had any place to put them, they certainly wouldn’t fit on our suburban property! That didn’t change my decision, and so I contacted the legal group dealing with the case, and was instructed to send them a written offer to take possession of 25 wild ponies. Lots of forwards and backwards later and it was already Friday afternoon, and I had until 3pm to fax over my offer.
There I was, standing in my daughter’s school office as this was my best access to a fax machine, 30 minutes left and – the fax machine stopped working! All I could see was these animals being loaded on the truck —– not on my watch!!! And then, 15 minutes to the dead line, the fax went through, leaving me in this state of massive relief before I got the idea: and now you have to find a place for them